it just annoys the ever-loving crap out of me.
yes, hashtag, i'm talking about you. you're pretentious, you're annoying, and you contribute absolutely nothing to whatever status or photo you're riding the coattails of.
i mean, i think there was a time where they kind of had a purpose. i think. i remember sometime last year they started appearing everywhere at the end of statuses, and at first i thought they were like, some kind of thing you can put into twitter to get more information. (i know nothing about and care even less about twitter, so i have no idea how accurate my assumption was). i thought this cause i most often saw hashtags at the end of political/social statements, you know like, "status about how the economy sucks #occupywhatever" or "status about how my presidential candidate can beat yours in a pokemon battle #marackrobomney2013"
but if that was even the original intent, all hashtags do now is, oh, state the exact same thing you already said in an annoying and difficult to read way, or really just add nothing to whatever was just said. very often i see a status or photo that's like--
"Hey guys! I just totally posted something on Facebook!
#postedsomethingonfacebook #totallyposted #heyguysitsfacebook #lolbffs #facebookposts #bestdayever #yolo #hashtag #hashtag #toomanyhashtags #didimentioniposted #hashtag"
no really, this isn't too far off from what i see. my favorite is when people say #toomanyhashtags (it's a common one i've seen). but then they keep adding more stupid hashtags.
whatever, maybe i'm just a loser who never saw the appeal, or maybe if i want to tell someone how i'm feeling or what i'm thinking about, i'll just tell them instead of barrage the internet with a bunch of one-word sentences that are seriously ineffective at actually communicating what i want to say.
eh screw it, i should just text the person sitting across from me to get my messages across.