Sunday, June 17, 2012

what i want to be when i grow up

it was always pretty dang clear to me as to which path in life i was supposed to take.  ever since i was like, 5 or even younger i've had all the right people showing me the way- the mighty morphin' power rangers, super mario, link, the ninja turtles, darkwing duck, batman, superman, bruno the kid, the aquabats- the list goes on. with this host of awesomeness appearing in nearly every facet of my life, it has never been a question what has been my desire-- nay, my destiny to become:

a hero.


what's more awesome than forming the mega zord and defeating rita's monster whom she just made grow?

um, nothing.

remind me what's better than recovering the triforce from ganon and saving the world from destruction--

or when you find that "other castle" that the princess is actually in

i could go on. the point is, being a hero is awesome, and its what i have always wanted to do.

now the whole secret identity part- that's another story. should i be a mild-mannered new reporter? eh, seems boring. millionaire-playboy-businessman? that's a bit over the top. teenagers with attitude? too late for that.

unfortunately, i'm not from another planet, i haven't crashed into a truck of radioactive material, nor have i been bitten by a crazy awesome super power-giving arachnid.

so i guess i'm consigned to a life of boring lameness with a severe lack of superpowers. no heroism for me, right?


true, there may be no one more awesome than the red ranger to a lil 5 year old, but i have been able to see heroes in the more "normal" or "boring" people with my somewhat "grown-up" mind.

like my 'normal' roommate who has more than once got me my favorite juice when i feel like garbage

or my 'normal' friends in my major who want to work with people who have severe disabilities AND are always nice enough to give me girl advice

or there's my "boring" and "normal" dad, who made it a point to always put God first and to take care of his family. dad used all his mild-mannered accountant powers helping people and doing the right thing.

 there pretty much aint no better hero than that.

1 comment:

  1. super great, Scott. (and happy to have finally found your blog that everyone else in the cohort always talks about... when not giving you girl advice or talking about fashion) ;)
