Monday, May 6, 2013


just about everyone who read the title already knows what i am referencing. very few people who have played video games don't recognize the annoying, nagging, anger-inducing voice of Navi, a not-so-useful, powerless, "guardian" fairy whom you're cursed to have following you throughout the duration of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time." the only real useful thing that navi does is z-target, which nintendo continued on after the n64 days but didn't necessitate  the use of an annoying fairy to do so. navi did, however start the trend of annoying companions, following Link around while hiding in his hat, sword, or shadow and prodding you to continue with the main quest, cause the game doesn't think you're smart enough to do so. sheesh, navi, where the heck were you in zelda II? oh yeah, you weren't needed then, and you aren't needed now!

it doesn't matter what you're doing. running along hyrule, hunting those big poes, and...


navi's little annoying "press C up now" button flashes. you ignore it, CAUSE YOU GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO RIGHT NOW

you're dashing to get the eyeball frog to the scientist, to make eyedrops for biggoron aaaannnndddd...



eventually, you can't take the nagging anymore. the flashing 'navi... navi... navi... navi...' gets to you and well you press the dang button to see what she has to say. and surprise, surprise...

doesn't that cloud over Death Mountain look weird to you?

she doesn't tell you anything that you didn't already know. heck, half the time, you're on your way to doing whatever she's nagging you to do in the first place!

thanks, navi. thanks for nothing. yeah, i already knew that the water temple was up next. yeah, it was already obvious that the monsters weak point is its giant red eye. 

the thing is, regardless of being annoying, at least navi is pretty much always right. every once in a while i got lost and navi helped me figure out what i was supposed to be doing. and by that i mean, the one time i forgot seeing zelda throw the ocarina in the moat and not knowing what to do next. 

well, the other day i got to thinking-- i hope i listen to the Spirit a lot more than to navi. yeah, i know, paralleling video games to life is kind of silly... and awesome, but anyways, instead of pretty much sort of knowing what i should be doing, the Spirit is always right and always knows better than i do. i can be off running on my own little side quest but if i am listening, then i'll be put in a better direction. 

of course, i don't think the Spirit is annoying or nagging. it's quiet, but it won't force it's way into your thinking. you gotta be waiting, listening, ever ready to press C up and listen. and that brings way better blessings than you could pick up in a side quest

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