the name that my mother gave me was Scott. yeah. that's my name. you can't go wrong calling me that.
don't call me Scotty. don't call me Scottie either. only my dad really gets away with that. or carl.
i used to respond to it but i also used to be a 5 year old.
my first real for real nickname was cheeseball. its cause when i was little my older brother convinced me that cheeseball was actually my middle name. which would have been a pretty rad middle name, but my mom didn't give that to me either.
later on my other brother decided to start calling me"punk." i don't know why, but i didn't really care, and since i was like 9 or 10 or something and just learning how to be sarcastic, i would call him "shorty." (you know, cause he's short). so like, he would come home and say "hey punk," and i would be like, "hey shorty." yeah.
sadly i wasn't called by any other name than my own in middle school. probably cause everyone is too cool for nicknames in middle school.
then high school same along and some of my friends were like 'we need to give you a nickname' and they threw some things around till i was scooter. and then they turned that into scoot cause it takes less effort to say.
in college my ultra nerd friends and i were hanging out and probably playing smash bros or something, and my friends andrew and mike (for some reason, spellcheck is mad that i didn't capitalize andrew, but not mad that i didn't capitalize mike) were talking about what my name would be if i was a pokemon. one of them decided that it would be tay-tay, which is what they have called me ever since. a times its just tay, (cause cause thats easier), or they will mix in some adjectives like "lil tay."
by the way, tay-tay is a small ground-type pokemon that loves to eat leaves. it does not like the rain or snow and prefers to be warm. it evolves into tayzor at level 22.
some of my mission friends also called me tay-tay, cause i had to think of a character name for the novella, Ricardo! and tay tay is what i came up with...
however, women are not allowed to call me tay-tay. sorry. its just never sounded right coming from them.
thats basically everything that everyone calls me. i do have a friend who insists that my name is steve, but she probably just has me confused with one of these guys:
Did someone call you the wrong name? People used to do that to me all the time and I would get super ticked. I still want to call you Scotty.